Waikato DHB COVID-19 Public Advisory – 20 February 2022
There were 174 new cases confirmed in the Waikato on Sunday 20th February. One new case in Raglan increases the total of active covid cases to five. Please see image for all Waikato locations. There are 401 cases where the location has still to be determined.

The total number of cases during this Waikato outbreak is now 2288 (996 active and 1292 recovered).
For details of all dedicated testing sites including other general practices, please visit www.healthpoint.co.nz/covid-19/waikato, www.waikatodhb.health.nz/cbac or check the pinned post on our Waikato DHB Facebook page.
There were 1580 tests processed in Waikato yesterday. Additional vaccination information is not available in time for reporting today.
There are three COVID-19 positive individuals receiving care in Waikato Hospital.
Note: Previously listed case locations will at times be reclassified following investigations. Some cases have been allocated to locations outside Waikato so contribute to our case totals but are not listed in case locations. Cases may also be allocated to Waikato from other regions but are not noted as a new case as they have been previously announced. The Ministry of Health’s daily reported cases may differ slightly from those reported at a DHB or local public health unit level. This is because of different reporting cut off times and the assignment of cases between regions, for example when a case is tested outside their usual region of residence.
Feeling unwell? Stay home and find out if you should get a COVID-19 test.
It’s important to get any symptoms of COVID-19 assessed, even if you’ve had no contact with confirmed cases. Common symptoms of Omicron and other variants of COVID-19 are like symptoms of a cold and flu. The most common early symptoms of the Omicron variant are a sore or scratchy throat and a runny nose. Check out the full list: https://covid19.govt.nz/…/about…/covid-19-symptoms/….
So, if you have any cold or flu symptoms, no matter how mild, please self-isolate and get a test. Find a testing location at www.healthpoint.co.nz/covid-19/waikato/ or www.waikatodhb.health.nz/cbac or call Healthline on 0800 358 5453. If you are feeling very unwell, call your GP or iwi health provider.
- A negative result gives you peace of mind and helps to limit the spread of COVID-19.
- If you get a positive result, there are a range of resources to support and guide you.
While you isolate, you will be keeping your whānau and all of Aotearoa safe. More information on what to do if you test positive can be found on the Ministry of Health website
Everyone, whether you are vaccinated or unvaccinated, should prepare for what you need to do if you get COVID-19. Find out how at covid19.govt.nz/be-prepared-for-covid-19