Young Raglan writer recognised by NZ Herald Award

Rhiannon Ellis from Raglan Area School has received an award for his work for the College Herald supplement. The College Herald winners came from schools throughout the upper North Island.

The aim of the awards is to acknowledge the best of New Zealand’s future journalists, writers and artists. The College Herald prizegiving ceremony was in Auckland on 3rd November.

High school students are given the opportunity to express their views and show their work to a wide audience through the New Zealand Herald College supplement.

Editor Mata Mihinui thanked students for their valuable contributions and noted the high standard of all the work submitted. The 20 editions produced during Terms 2 and 3 had a different theme. Schools from all over the upper North Island provided articles. This year 3340 pieces of work were submitted – an average of 167 works a week.

The College Herald programme is sponsored by Unitec, Sir Peter Blake Trust, Red Bulletin and Camera and Camera. All 20 of the editor’s choice winners got an Olympus SP-600UZ Camera, supplied by Camera and Camera, plus $500 for their school.

For full results see

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