Whāingaroa now about 7 new Covid cases each day

With Raglan and Waikato Covid new daily cases now down to about 300 each day, on a population ratio basis this works out to about 7 new cases each day in Whāingaroa. Daily new cases and active cases continue to decline in Raglan and the Waikato. The rate of decline now looks as if new case numbers will be down to 200 by Friday 22nd April.

Data released by Waikato DHB shows that Covid cases in Raglan, Waikato areas and Hamilton are continuing to track down. For our graph we have combined new daily cases numbers in Hamilton City, Raglan and other Waikato District areas (e.g. Tamahere, Whatawhata, Ngaruawahia, Huntly and Gordonton). Starting from a high level of over 1200 daily cases in early March, the numbers plateaued at about 1000 then began to slowly drop down to just over half the peak to 785 on 25th March. They are now tracking at about one quarter of the peak and as our model predicted they are now at 300 cases.

For the same Raglan, Waikato areas and Hamilton area, active Covid cases are now down to 4152 people. On a population basis, it is likely that there are about 83 active cases in Raglan Whāingaroa.

There were 652 new cases reported in the Waikato DHB area on Tuesday 19th April.

The total number of cases in this Waikato outbreak is now 75,575 (4152 active and 71,423 recovered).

There were 33 vaccinations given in Waikato yesterday.

There are 38 COVID-19 positive individuals receiving care at Waikato DHB hospitals – this is a mix of patients who are receiving care for COVID-19 and those receiving care for an unrelated condition who have also tested positive. One patient is in ICU.

The Omicron booster vax is available in Raglan at:

Raglan Medical – phone to make an appointment 07 825 0114
Mon – Fri 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM

Raglan Pharmacy – walk in or make an appointment 07 825 8164

Mon – Fri 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sat 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM


Raglan Rapid Antigen Testing (RATs) Community Collection Site operated by Waikato DHB is at Raglan Rugby Sports Club, Cross St, Raglan. It is open Mon to Sun from 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM.

If you are wanting a Covid -19 Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) you can now book online or you can call an 0800 number.

Two ways are available to request RATs:

  1. Via the new website: requestrats.covid19.health.nz
  2. Via a free call at 0800 222 478 option 3

RATS are free under the public health response for those who need a test – household contacts and people with symptoms.

People should only get tested if they have cold or flu symptoms, have been identified as household contact of a positive COVID-19 case and need a day 3 or day 7 test, or have been asked to get tested by a health official. Symptoms can be different for everyone. Be vigilant. If you notice anything developing, even a tickle in the throat, get a test. The most common early symptoms of the Omicron variant are a sore or scratchy throat, and a runny nose.

Free Rapid antigen tests (RATs) are now the primary form of testing in the community for people who have symptoms or are a Household Contact. You can pick up a test at our community collection centres. Some sites are offering supervised RAT tests.
Free RAT home testing kits can now be ordered online: https://requestrats.covid19.health.nz/
or free call at 0800 222 478 option 3.

To make a request via the website, you will need to have access to a mobile phone to validate the order. RATs can be requested on behalf of someone else.

To find a RAT collection site visit www.waikatodhb.health.nz/cbac or check out the pinned post on our facebook page.

Report all RAT results

Report the results of your RATs, if they’re positive or negative, online at  My Covid Record

Parents and caregivers can use My Covid Record to report RAT results for children under 12 and other family members. If you are having trouble using My Covid Record, you can call 0800 222 478 and choose option 3

If you test positive, you will need to isolate for at least 7 days while you recover. You don’t need to call your GP to report a positive test result. For more information visit Covid19.govt.nz/positive

Everyone else in your household needs to self-isolate and get tested. Go to Covid19.govt.nz/household for more details.

Managing your symptoms with COVID-19

For most people, COVID-19 will be managed at home while isolating with rest, fluids and paracetamol.

You don’t need to call your GP to let them know you have had a positive test result.

If you need any advice on how to treat your symptoms or have worsening symptoms call Healthline on 0800358 5433. If you need a clinical appointment contact your GP/primary care team.

If you or a family member become very unwell or has difficulty breathing, severe chest pain or discomfort, fainting or become unconscious, call 111 immediately. Let them know you are isolating with COVID-19. There is no cost to call an ambulance when you have COVID-19.

Welfare and manaaki support is available through our Waikato DHB COVID-19 Integrated Coordination Centre on 0800 220 250, seven days a week from 8am – 8pm. Our team will guide you through the next steps.

Also you can ask for welfare and manaaki support at Here to help u www.heretohelpu.nz


Everyone, whether you are vaccinated or unvaccinated, should prepare for what you need to do if you get COVID-19. Find out how at covid19.govt.nz/be-prepared-for-covid-19

COVID-19 Health Hub

For online support information if you test positive or are exposed to COVID-19 visit the COVID-19 Health Hub covid19.health.nz/advice


Learn more about our response to Omicron

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