Whāingaroa Covid vax behind lowest DHB

With Whāingaroa Covid vaccination rates only taking small upward steps, the coastal Waikato area on 81% fully vaccinated is behind Northland which is now on 83%. The situation is the same for first dots with Whāingaroa on 86% and Northland on 88%. Northland is the only region that will remain on a red traffic light setting after 30th December.

Vaccination numbers released on Wednesday (22/12) show that Whāingaroa continues to make slow vaccination progress. The uptake of Covid vaccination for Raglan is up 19 to 2611 first dose, Around Raglan up 6 to 1973 first dose and Te Akau up 7 to 1241 placing it just over the 90% milestone. Second dose vaccinations are even lower with Raglan on 2485 2nd dose, Around Raglan on 1884 2nd dose and Te Akau 1193 putting it on 87%.

There are 5825 people in Whāingaroa who have had one dot and 937 (14%) who have had no dots.

There were six cases reported in Waikato on the 22nd; three in Te Kūiti, two in Tokoroa and one who usually resides outside the Waikato and is isolating in Te Kuiti.

The total number of cases in the Waikato is 634 (88 active and 546 recovered). There are 9 active cases that are as yet unlinked. There are no active cases in Whāingaroa Raglan.

No new locations of interest were reported yesterday.

There are two COVID-19 positive individuals receiving care at Waikato Hospital.

There were 1567 tests processed in Waikato yesterday and 1596 vaccinations given.

In the Waikato, Public Health, primary care and manaaki providers are supporting 54 cases to isolate at home.

Testing and vaccination is available at Raglan Medical. Monday to Friday by making an appointment on (07) 825 0114.

Detailed vaccination progress for Raglan Whāingaroa:

One thought on “Whāingaroa Covid vax behind lowest DHB

  1. yep i think we are getting down to the hard core anti vaxxers now. Not surprising considering all the hippie new age types that live in Raglan and surrounds as well as some people who believe the rubbish on social media. Hopefully overall their numbers will be low enough to not impact on healthcare for the rest of us.

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