Wainui Bush Park Reserve provided a natural stage for Welcome Home the end of year production by Whaingaroa Youth Movement. The Saturday afternoon dance performance attracted a large crowd and parking was stretched to the limit.
The audience enjoyed the high standard of dance provided by this group under the care of Patti Mitchley. Welcome Home centred on some kiwi favorites with the dance sequences based on Pavlova, Pukeko, Buzzy Bees and Rugby!

Dancers from each age group represented these themes. The Pukekos were favourites as they pecked their way around as well as bees buzzing here and there. Another highlight was the aerial dance with the two performers suspended in fabric from a tripod. The performers were then all on for the finale.
Many people stayed for a picnic after the event to enjoy the warm afternoon on their blankets.
The event was funded by the Raglan Community Arts Council through the Creative Communities Funding Scheme.