WEL Networks news
From Friday 16th February, electric power users in Raglan and other Waikato areas have better information available during power outages. WEL Networks have updated their web page displaying current power outages in the region. They say the previous system was a challenge but the new system should make it easier to get information when their is an outage.
Here’s what you need to know:
The homepage of wel.co.nz looks like this.
Outages & Faults box:
The map link shows two tabs for a realtime map or satellite GIS display – one of all current outages, the other planned or coming up. It displays a ‘lightning bolt’ and a brief explanation of the outage cause.
The List link is for planned maintenance outages (what we know is scheduled not storm events or sudden damage). It is listed by date, includes street, with a drop down option to see more detail.
The white arrow clicks to both options!
WEL Networks are encourage people to use as the website as the first point of contact during significant events rather than the 0800 number which does get overloaded at times.