WED summary of agenda points for Raglan Community Board meeting

Whaingaroa Environmental Defence IncorporatedRegistered no.1912150

from Secretary: John Lawson, 51 Cliff St, Raglan 07 825 7866


The next Board meeting is Tuesday 12 June at 3pm in the Town Hall Supper Room. The public forum starts at 2.30pm, giving an opportunity to discuss issues.
The agenda is at Items on the agenda include –
  1. Wharf – building complete. “Coast Guard and Raglan Seafoods leases are in place.” Other 4 leases being marketed by Lodge Real Estate.

  2. Bus Vaughan Payne, WRC transport manager, has been asked –

  •  Move of Hamilton – Raglan – Hamilton mid-morning service to mid-day. What evidence is there that this has been successful in moving passengers from Auckland coaches off the afternoon service? What has been the impact on Raglan passenger numbers?

    What were the actual passenger numbers for the Route 23 Sunday services over the last 12 months? What has been the impact on Saturday passenger numbers of withdrawal of the Sunday services? Recent letter to the editor said there had been a big drop off in Saturday numbers. What would be the nett cost of running the smaller Whatawhata bus on the Route 23 service on Saturdays and Sundays? An independent operator is prepared to run a Sunday service provided any shortfall below 6 passengers is guaranteed. Please advise on this possibility. Whatawhata bus – What are passenger numbers? Is it having hoped for effect of taking people off the other service. Is it planned to continue this service?

    Open tendering does not appear to result in the lowest cost bus services. When contracts are looked at again, please comment on whether a Pharmac type approach of direct negotiation would yield lower costs.

    Bike Racks – Other regional councils have added bike racks on front of buses for their long distance services eg What would be the cost of adding this type of bike rack to the route 23 bus?

    Safety grab bars – Last advice was that installing safety grab bars inside the buses for standing passengers would reduce passenger numbers. If this is still the case, with the Whatawhata service running are passenger numbers now low enough for this to go ahead?

3. Whale Bay sewage project going to design consultant.

4. Water meter installation starts 2012/13.Water treatment plant upgrade Health Ministry funding agreed.

5. Discretionary funding $1,739 left over at year end and about $14,500 to be added – next applications close 12 Oct.

6. Raglan Office & Library J D Consultants report in July.

7. Coastal Reserves Committee – minutes 14 May, 11 June, 9 July and there’s a Supper Room meeting 5.30pm Mon 13 Aug.

8. Privet – WRC report recommends WDC do more weed control on WDC land.

9. Museum planting to be done this month, though RCB hasn’t seen a plan.

  1. Water fountain to go in Town Hall garden by end of month.

  2. Holiday Park income up 14% and assisting building BMX track.

WED and 20 others submitted that RCB should cover the same area as the expanded Raglan ward. WDC has decided “that extending the Raglan Community Board boundary would dilute the role of the Ward Councillor”, so will expand the area only to include Karioi, but not Te Mata, Te Uku, or Waitetuna. When asked why that didn’t apply to the Onewhero ward, WDC explained that the decision was influenced by Raglan submitters (2 out of 21) asking for more decisions to be delegated to RCB, even though WDC refused that. Should WED appeal and would you like help putting in an objection to Let me know if you think WED should be taking up any other issues.

The public forum starts at 2.30pm, giving an opportunity to discuss issues, but you can also email the Community Board members who are:-

Rodger Gallagher

Bob Macleod

Alan Vink

Barry Ashby

Terry Horn

Linda Cole

Clint Baddeley (councillor)

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