WED provides info on Community Board’s project list

Media Release: Whaingaroa Environmental Defence Incorporated Registered no.1912150, 11.10.14

from Secretary: John Lawson, 51 Cliff St, Raglan 07 825 7866 email
Raglan Fire Station – location of meeting  on Sat 18th at 10am to discuss the Community Board priority list
The Chronicle published on 9th October has a sheet with 13 options to choose as Raglan’s priorities over the next ten years. Raglan Residents and Ratepayers Association decided that options such as “Minor works on Raglan Streets” probably mean little to most residents, so they’re meeting to discuss options prior to the 20 October deadline on Saturday 18 October at 10am in the Fire Station on Wainui Rd. The meeting (which is also their AGM) will be open to all who want to learn and talk about Raglan’s future.
The sheet in the Chronicle was preceded by another draft, which now forms the basis of a much more comprehensive Google document at Please look at it and, if possible, add more information to it, so that we can all make informed decisions about the future of council spending in Raglan.

Another informal group has formed to build for the national demonstrations against the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement on Sat 8 November – 10am Bow St, 1pm Garden Place. They plan to meet at 7pm in the Town Hall Supper Room on Mondays 13, 20, 27 October and 3 November. Their Facebook page is

There are 2 ‘interest free’ banking groups in Whaingaroa at present. It’d be helpful to know who else is interested in reducing what is probably a $12m a year flow of money from Whaingaroa in interest payments, as a third group might be set up. Are you?
Hope to see you at those meetings.

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