Whaingaroa Environmental Defence Incorporated Registered no.1912150
The next Board meeting is Tuesday 8 May at 3pm in the Town Hall Supper Room. The public forum starts at 2.30pm, giving an opportunity to discuss issues, but you can also email the Community Board members who are:-
Bob Macleod 2louds@paradise.net.nz
Alan Vink alan.vink@slingshot.co.nz
Barry Ashby tricia.barry@raglanaccommodation.co.nz
Terry Horn terry_raglan@yahoo.com
Linda Cole lindacole@vodafone.co.nz
Clint Baddeley (councillor) jcbaddeley@xtra.co.nz
The agenda is at http://waidc.govt.nz/Documents-Library/Files/Your-Council/Agendas-2012/120508_RCB_Agenda.aspx. Items on the agenda include –
- Wharf leases – Raglan Seafoods given to 1 May to agree lease, but no other potential tenants mentioned. Building complete in July.
- Xtreme Waste – blue bags to go up from $2.60 to $2.70 from 1 July.
- Bus stops (no mention of overcrowded bus, or RCB meeting about it) – Wainui/Te Hutewai Rd “is not suitable for a permanent bus stop due to pedestrian and motor vehicle safety issues”. Despite RCB objection, a new stop is to be built on Tahuna Ave in June/July. Financial implication shown as Nil. Plans show excavation, retaining wall and 40m of new footpath and layby. Wallis St “Looking into moving the site . . . Waiting on new road design for Wainui Road Bus Stop”!
- Fracking request from Spreydon Heathcote Community Board (Christchurch) that RCB declares Raglan fracking free. Airfield landing fees “The suggested [$10] increase has been included in the LTP.” [Page 13 LTP Charges shows an increase to $5.50!]
- Whale Bay sewage RCB asked for a full report of 16 March meeting. The only report is that it met to “discuss the concerns and questions” and 35 have signed up to the scheme.
- Long Term Plan – no funding allowed for water fountains.
- Discretionary funding $7,600 is in the fund (next applications to be in by 11 May).
- Pay – RCB chair $7,550, RCB member $3,075.
- Potholes reported “are rectified within 7 working days”.
- Coastal Reserves Committee – minutes for 13 February (I have the minutes for 13 March).
- Civil Defence Paul Blewman attending meeting.
- Stormwater drains cleaned by 30 April. East St & Lorenzen Bay sewage pumps to be completed in June. Water meter installation to be completed in June.
- Lighting – 4 lamps replaced in Greenslade Rd ($8,000), 6 new poles, 9 new lights on power poles and 14 lamps replaced on Riria Kereopa Memorial Dr ($35,000), 7 new bollard lights on Marine Pde ($25,000).
- May site meeting to agree location for crash barrier on Wainui Rd ($10,000).
- Footpaths 120m planned near Museum ($45,500 with kerb & channel), 190m Marine Pde (Wainui – Nihinihi) to be complete end of June ($32,500).
- Reseals deferred from 2011 to 2012 for Bow St, Cliff St, Cornwall Rd, Gilmour St, John St, Long St, Marine Pde, Opotoru Rd, Point St, Stewart St, Te Ahiawa Rd, Te Hutewai Rd.
Let me know if you think WED should be taking up any of these. I have made a complaint to the ombudsman about spending money on a new bus stop by June/July, but not on the overcrowded bus. RCB responded, “Councillor Smith is working with WRC staff on options. The Whatawhata residents meeting held last week was well attended and the Whatawhata people gave a clear message to WDC and WRC that the Route 23 bus service overcrowding needs to be solved soon. A small bus serving the Whatawhata community was the preferred option suggested by WRC at the meeting. Money appears to be available.”
It was disappointing to attend this Community Board Meeting and hear our Mayor castigating Community Board members for representing the concerns of the Raglan Ward. It is disheartening, to have community concerns over rising rates, water metres, buses, and consultation on the Long Term Plan, shouted down.