Wed 8: Raglan Community Board meeting

This summary of the Raglan Community Board agenda prepared by John Lawson, Secretary of Whāingaroa Environmental Defence Inc., 51 Cliff St, Raglan 07 825 7866 email

The next Board meeting is Wed 8 December at 1.30pm. The public forum should give the usual opportunity to discuss issues, but again there’s secrecy; I think the link to join the public forum is this Zoom. If you want to be more certain, let me know and if I get a different link I’ll send it to you. I think it’ll also be on You Tube. You might prefer to email the Community Board members:- Chris Rayner, Dennis Amoore, Gabrielle Parson, Lisa Thomson, Satnam Bains and Tony Oosten.

Wednesday’s agenda has, for the first time I recall, been amended. It originally showed even higher costs for the airfield. However, both continue to lack information, but do include –

  1. Closure of path across the airfield – the fencing materials are now on the airfield. The new works will cost $56,592.92, plus $85,258 a year, mainly for mowing (income is under $20,000pa). “Staff briefed Council on the findings of the Mike Haines report on 24 September 2021 – as it was a briefing, there were no minutes taken. However, on 5 November the Council met with the Chair of the Raglan Community Board to discuss the motion put forward by the board. During this meeting the Council confirmed their support to implement the recommendations“! [It’s not clear that Councillors have been told the costs]
  2. Soundsplash – is now to be at Mystery Creek, but WDC’s report says, “Staff to re-evaluate the decision to close Wainui Reserve for Soundsplash and update the Board before the next meeting.
  3. Local bus – “No funding from Waka Kotahi, another report for a non subsidised “trial” service for this L TP – Infrtstructure DEC meeting” [Infrastructure meeting only had bus shelters on its agenda]
  4. Papahua Footpath – “The concrete path east of the campground entranceway is starting in sections. Community Connections are continuing conversations with the Football Club. Campground are to provide scope of fence requirements. Targeting completion of path and entranceway on 3 December.” [it’s not yet complete]
  5. Other Projects – Greenslade Rd “2nd stage concrete works to be completed by Christmas”, Cliff St “Oh hold”!Park Dr/Long St crossing, Greenslade Road Neighbourhood Park no detail
  6. Rose St parking “This has taken a back step as demands on staff for the LTP process has delayed action on this, hope to put resources in the next couple of week.
  7. Wainui Rd wooden footbridge “To be completed as part of the extension to the cycleway planned for jan 2022”.
  8. Harbour – Pontoon – “this work was tendered earlier in the year but due to clarifications requested no tender has been awarded. WDC has contracted out the geotech survey and the bathometry survey. Once this info is received they will review and confirm how they will proceed.” Walkway consultation open on one aspect of one of the walkways. Harbour study “WDC are also looking at a walking tour at the wharf so people can meet face to face and discuss the project . A date is presently being finalized for this and some information boards will be erected at the wharf and around town to inform people in the next week.”
  9. Places for People survey deferred to about Feb. Public spaces bylaw exemption extended to allow the parklets to stay until 30 June .
  10. Meetings until elections – 6pm on Weds 9 Feb, 23 March, 4 May, 15 June, 27 July, 7 Sep.
  11. Manu Bay Breakwater – “making arrangements for Forum Workshop #3 in the New Year”.
  12. Manu Bay planting – no update
  13. Raglan Naturally – verbal report again. Appointments of Gabrielle Parson as the community lead development coordinator and Denise Reynolds as the hapoori development coordinator.
  14. Town Hall Committee maintenance person wanted, AGM soon no other detail.
  15. Councillor – freedom camping workshop – no detail.
  16. Civil Defence Emergency Management “plan could be ready to present to the Community Board in November/December” no detail.
  17. Discretionary fund has $16,049.

Threeconsultations are currently open –

These council items are not on RCB’s agenda –

Infrastructure 1/12

  • Wharf project, where a ban on the use of powered watercraft during Alert Level 3 meant the consultant could not carry out a hydrographical survey using their jet ski for the wharf works as programmed.
  • Sewage process for selection of preferred option being undertaken in early August. [no update since Sep]
  • Contractor has been appointed to undertake a feasibility study on Wi Neera walkway. This will provide us with a current condition assessment and a health and safety assessment. A report will be provided to the team once the feasibility study is complete

Other issues missing from the agenda are Coastal erosion, unsealed roading, Climate Response Plan, parking, Energy Project, WRAP, stormwater, Town Hall Warrant of Fitness, Calvert Rd parking, Te Uku Recycling, Whāingaroa Catchment Management Plan, dog issues, Hills Rd water tower, volunteer worker safety, Puriri Park, weedbusters, Joyce Petchell and Puriri Park toilets to be wrapped with environment messaging. Should WED be taking up these or other issues?

Ngā mihi

John (he/him).

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