Waikato District Council on Friday 4th March awarded Potter Contracting Waikato Limited with the contract to install manifolds and meter boxes onto water services lines and to upgrade the public network in some areas of Raglan. The total value of the project is $270,465.52.
Installing water meters in Raglan is the first stage in Council’s $2.1 million district-wide water metering programme, which encourages water conservation and attempts to defer capital expenditure over the next two decades.
Waikato District Council, Water and Facilities General Manager, Richard Bax said initially the Raglan project will involve installing a manifold and backflow preventer to all connections but no actual meter.
“The first step is to get Raglan properties ready for the introduction of water metering by replacing all existing tobies (valves, taps) with manifolds and meter boxes,” he said.
It is anticipated the programmed works will take up to 12 weeks to complete and will be finished before the end of June 2011.
Water will be turned off for a couple of hours while pipes are altered outside affected Raglan properties. Potter Contracting Waikato Limited will contact those residents directly with details.