Waikato sets direction for future

Waikato District Council news

Waikato District Council has set the direction for future growth in the district with the adoption of the Growth & Economic Development Strategy.

Titled Waikato 2070, the purpose of the strategy is to guide the growth and development in the district over the next 50 years.

Waikato 2070 is unique because it takes a joined-up approach to future growth and investment in Raglan and other parts of the Waikato district. It combines economic and community development with future land use and infrastructure planning.

It informs our rural and urban communities, businesses, investors, iwi, Government, neighbouring local authorities and Council itself on where growth in the district will be in the years ahead. While enabling growth, Waikato 2070 also aims to protect things like high class soils.

Although the strategy was drafted pre-COVID-19, strategically planning for growth is more important than ever.

Waikato District Council’s General Manager Community Growth Clive Morgan says Waikato 2070 will help identify suitable and cost-effective areas for future growth and economic development in the district. “It will also enable and support job creation in sectors that are aligned to our strengths. The strategy will outline a growth pattern that will help preserve our stunning natural environment and our resources, while importantly, providing for our people.

“Waikato 2070 will help inform our communities about the likely way our towns will develop and sets out the steps we will take to manage this growth,” he says.

Consultation on the document was open for nine weeks and closed in late January. Drop-in sessions were held around the district which gave the community the opportunity to speak with staff about the strategy and have any questions answered.

For the first time, the document combines Council’s District Growth Strategy and the Economic Development Strategy.

The strategy can be found on Council’s website here: https://www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz/your-council/plans-policies-and-bylaws/strategies

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