Waikato Council has now answered the questions put to them on 13th October about house cows on road verges (See https://www.raglan23.co.nz/2016/house-cows-may-tidy-up-raglan/ )

“As a result of our new policy coming into effect on 1 October 2016, Council will only be mowing grass verges for residents who qualify for an exemption from 1 November 2016. It is important to stress that Council is continuing to mow grass verges until this date. “Keeping up with grass growth is proving to be a challenge given that it is spring time when grass is growing quickly and also we have a new contractor who is coming up to speed,” General Manager Service Delivery, Tim Harty says.
“With regard to the suggestion of putting house cows on grass verges, there are a number of potential issues with this suggestion.
“Council’s Keeping of Animals Bylaw 2015 states that no person shall allow any animal in a public place in a manner which is, or is likely to be, a nuisance or a threat to public health and safety. There are also issue with the placement of a temporary or permanent fence on road reserve (grass verges) as these require a permit from Council.
“The provisions in Council Public Places Bylaw to tether “livestock” on a grass verge, were also never intended to apply to large animals like “house cows” given the potential health and safety issues associated with them.”
Thank goodness Raglan will be exempt from the Tidy Town competition, with its extensive long lank grass look. Maybe the real estate agents might sponsor a tidy street competition?