The following media release from Waikato District Council announces that the councillors have approved an increase in the general rate of 2.32 per cent for Raglan and other parts of the Waikato District. What the media release fails to mention is that other rates, including the water rate have gone up by much more than this. It also fails to mention about the new community board rate that Raglan Residents will have to pay.
Waikato District Council Media Release, 27 June 2012
Following submission hearings and deliberations on the draft Long Term Plan, the council announced a 2.32 per cent increase in the district’s general rates for 2012.
This is a reduction from the 2.4 per cent increase signalled in the draft Long term Plan. Savings from interest rate decreased arising from the local government funding agency have been applied to reduce the general rate.
Mayor Allan Sanson said people will see changes in the final Long Term document from the draft.
“And that’s as it should be, as we rely on the public’s submissions and feedback to provide us with insights into the issues that affect our communities on a daily basis. Through the plan process, we can then make the decisions that will reflect, and where we can, alleviate, those concerns.”
In total the council received 298 submissions, which addressed a wide range of issues, from transport, to community grants, debt, affordability and rates, and libraries. The overriding themes regarded debt levels, council benchmarking against other councils and efficiency, said Mayor Sanson.
“We are operating in a tough economic climate, so we have had to make some tough decisions with many deserving projects and issues put forward for our consideration.
“The final plan shows that we have been able to include some of those requests, while making savings in other areas to compensate. Others we have noted, but not included, for future years.
“Our emphasis has been on affordability and maintaining what we have and we’re confident the final plan demonstrates this.”
Did they keep to the planned 12% targeted rates increase for Raglan and 10% or less for everyone else?
Rates that apply to Raglan that I can see are: General Rate at $234.37 per $100K of CV, Uniform Charge of $403, separate rate for each flat, Raglan community facilities $15, Raglan recycling charge $86.52, water rate $399.94, wastewater $576.30, pan charge $288.15 per pan for commercial properties, storm water $194.26 per property, community board $18.20 per property. Automatic rate remission of $300 for residential if increase over $300 AND change over 10%.
Waikato District Council is disappointed that the full media release was not included on the Raglan Website. The main content in the release talks about the community board targeted rate and refers readers to the Long Term Plan (LTP) which provides full details on all decisions. To read the complete media release please click this link:
And to view the LTP document please follow this link:
The full media release down to ‘ENDS’ was included. I see now that there was further text after ‘ENDs’.