Waikato District Council debt up

In the draft Annual Plan just released for public consultation,  the Waikato District Council proposes increases in expenditure financed by increased rates and debt.   The plan proposes that Council debt will increase by close to $3 million. General rates are shown as increasing by 2.93%, while Raglan’s new water meter rates would rise by a staggering 37%.  Waste water rates are shown as increasing by 10% for Raglan.  While refuse and recycling rates have been held with a zero increase in the rest of the District, Raglan residents will see their rates up by 5%.

On the expenditure side, Raglan gets the Lorenzen Bay wastewater pump station relocated and a new main pipe for $562,393.   $64,137 has been earmarked for the Whale Bay to Wainui Reserve walkway and $81,121 for other Raglan walkways.   $277,946 is budgeted for work in the Wainui Reserve.  The big ticket item for Raglan is the Whale Bay wastewater project proposed at a cost of $3.26 million.

Other major District projects proposed are a $0.9 million contribution to the Great River walkway/cycleway, $1.1 million on seal extensions of rural roads and a $1.0 million refurbishment of Council’s Ngaruawahia office.

The plan is open for public consultation until Tuesday 10 May at 4pm.   The final plan will be adopted in and published in June 2011.   Email your submissions to corporate.planning@waidc.govt.nz  or drop it in at the Raglan WDC office.  Enquiries to 824 5770  or the Raglan WDC office.



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