Waikato District and Raglan Ward to grow in size

Waikato District Council Mayor Peter Harris

The Local Government Commission confirmed today that the Waikato District will increase by approximately 14,500 residents and incorporate the towns of Tuakau, Pokeno, and Mercer as part of the Auckland Governance changes.

On 1 November 2010, the Waikato District will expand geographically to incorporate 100,000 hectares of land, and 6,800 properties currently in the Franklin District.

Waikato District Mayor, Peter Harris, said he was pleased with the Commission’s decision to allow Waikato District Council to establish an office in Tuakau.

“We are pleased the Commission supported our proposal to establish a Tuakau office, as we believe this will best accommodate our citizens. The Tuakau office will offer a range of services, and operate in a similar way to our Huntly and Raglan offices. We are currently looking at site options,” he said.

The Commission also accepted Waikato District Council’s proposed ward structure, which will see the Waikato District divided into 11 wards represented by one mayor and 14 elected councillors.  This sees the Raglan Ward growing to take in the surrounding rural are and towns.  And overworked Councillor, Clint Baddeley,  looking after an even bigger area.

“Three new wards have been created to incorporate the portion of Franklin that is now in the Waikato District – the Awaroa ki Tuakau Ward, Onewhero Ward, and Whangamarino Ward, Mr Harris said.

“The Commission also agreed to retain the Onewhero-Tuakau community board and increase the number of board members from four to six. Council is pleased with this outcome as it will ensure the interests of our new communities are represented,” he said.

More information about the Auckland Governance changes can be found on the Local Government Commission’s website – www.lgc.govt.nz

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