Selected from WDC December Link: Festive Traditions for our Councillors
Allan Sanson Mayor
My favourite holiday season tradition is spending time with family.
My favourite spot in our district to spend time over the summer is either at home with family or in Raglan.
Clint Baddeley Raglan Ward Councillor
My favourite holiday season tradition is spending time with family at home in Raglan
My favourite spot in our district to spend time over the summer is staying home in Raglan and enjoying one of our most popular holiday destinations.
Wally Hayes Tamahere Ward Councillor
My favourite holiday season tradition is exploring a part of New Zealand I haven’t seen before.
My favourite spot in our district to spend time over the summer is playing a round of golf at Raglan with my mates and then enjoying all Raglan has to offer.

Moera Solomon Ngaruawahia Ward Councillor
My favourite holiday season tradition is visiting the urupa of Taupiri and Ngaruawahia to share with our whanau, thus also bringing in the reason for Christmas.
My favourite spot in our district to spend me over the summer is the Te Kopua camping ground in Raglan — where we have spent so many happy relaxing holidays over the years.