Waikato Council funds study on future water supply operations

Media Release: Waikato District Council, 28 October 2014 

Waikato District Council agrees to part fund water study

Waikato District Council has voted in favour of a joint study with Waipa District and Hamilton City Councils around the future management of water and wastewater services.

However, Hamilton City still needs to agree to fund half the bill.

The study will investigate three options; boosting the existing shared service arrangements between all three councils, retaining the status quo with each council running its own operations, or considering a ratepayer-owned and council-controlled water management company (CCO).  Waikato District Council will also pay an additional $55,000 for a fourth option – to investigate the possibility of expanding a current agreement with Auckland City Council’s CCO Watercare Services Ltd.

Chief Executive Gavin Ion says the decision to request additional information is about efficiency.

“The outcomes of this separate piece of work will be part of the larger study but the costs and benefits relate specifically to this council and will help us determine the most appropriate way forward should the partner councils decide not to progress with recommendations in the study.

“We need to consider all options available to our communities and extending existing partnerships could be a viable option.”

Additional notes:

  • Waipa District Council today voted in favour of the study. Hamilton City Council will vote on Thursday (October 30).
  • $650,000 has been budgeted for the study with Waipa and Waikato District Councils paying $162,500 each and if passed, Hamilton City Council will pick up the remaining $325,000 cost.
  • The study will be undertaken by an independent advisory firm following a competitive process which attracted six bids with results available around mid to late 2015.

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