Karioi Maunga ki te Moana is preparing to deploy another 300 stoat traps on the mountain, and we need your help! Either as an individual volunteer, or perhaps your school or group is looking for a team-building activity or a physical challenge. Work together to protect our biodiversity and see the vistas from Karioi Maunga!
Trap checking working bee @ Kristel’s house – Checking function of new traps. No tramping involved! Lunch/afternoon tea provided.
Weds Oct 14th 9am – 12 noon
Saturday Oct 17th 12pm – 3pm
Trap Deployment @ Karioi maunga – Volunteers will each carry one DOC 200 double-set trap up the mountain, so good fitness level is required. Working in teams, so sign-up as a group or individual. A great way to see a new face of Karioi if you’ve been up before! Expect to be busy for most of the day 8am – 3pm-ish.
Sunday November 8th
Sunday November 22nd
More dates to be set, including weekdays.
Traverse-line trapping – ongoing monthly – Seeking volunteers to check the Karioi Traverse line (main DOC walkway) – track from Ruapuke to halfway across the mountain (over the summit). 25 traps, takes around 4 – 5 hours. Must be done in pairs or small groups. Get in touch if you want to check this line as a regular volunteer or a one-off with your group.
Please enquire or register with Bexie: wordsbybexie@gmail.com or 0211634644