USE A BAG video shot in Raglan

A quirky video shot in Raglan and Hamilton has been released on You Tube. The video features Andy Kaye and Matt Powell promoting reusable shopping bags as a way of preventing waste by recycling.

The video has been released by Waikato University as part of a Prevent Our Waste (POW) project, a collaboration between the two performers plus Raglan musician and producer Andy Dugan. It has been funded by Hamilton City and Waikato Regional ratepayers.

Hamilton City Council gave $7,700 from its Waste Minimisation fund in December 2015.

An HCC spokesperson said the Contestable Waste Minimisation Fund was set up to support projects that reduce waste in the city. “Money for the fund comes from the national waste levy administered by the Ministry for the Environment. Some of the revenue from the waste levy is allocated to territorial authorities on a population basis and must be spent on projects which reduce waste.”

Waikato Regional Council chipped in with $2000 for the project.

Rachel Goddard from Waikato University’s POW project said that  more films will be released progressively.

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