Update to Waikato Council’s Link- refuse collection

Hey Raglan!

There’s some confusion about the inorganic refuse collection in your community. In the latest Link, we told you the inorganic refuse collection service is only available for households in the Waikato district which have a weekly kerbside refuse and recycling collection. The cost of this annual service is included in the rates for the relevant areas and that doesn’t include Raglan.   

If you live in Raglan you can take your inorganic items to the Raglan Recycling and Transfer Station on Te Hutewai Road. However there is a fee to use this service. For more information visit their website http://xtremezerowaste.org.nz/sample-page/charges-and-prices/ 

Thanks to everyone who has been sharing the message about using Xtreme Waste and the great service they provide.

Erin Rangi-Watt

Senior Communications Advisor

Waikato District Council

2 thoughts on “Update to Waikato Council’s Link- refuse collection”

    1. It seems that WDC caused the confusion with a badly worded article and now this follow up adds to the confusion rather than clarifying it.
      It would have been better to say, “Raglan uses a waste minimisation approach which has a kerbside refuse and recyling service. The Raglan approach does not include an annual inorganic collection. Instead Raglan residents can take their inorganic items to Xtreme Zero Waste with free disposal for recyclable items and paid disposal for other items.”

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