Media Release: Waikato District Council, 4 November 2013
Free mental health resource launched in Waikato District Libraries
Waikato District Council is encouraging people to ‘turn the page’ to mental health wellness with a new programme across its libraries.

Turn the Page, a collaboration between Waikato District Libraries, Progress to Health and Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki, was launched on Friday 1 November at the Huntly Library and provides a list of helpful books within the libraries related to mental health.
They are all available to be borrowed free of charge and have been recommended by health professionals and people with experience of mental illness.
A pamphlet of the books (To downlaod click here) is available at Raglan and other Waikato District Libraries in Tuakau, Meremere, Te Kauwhata, Huntly, and Ngaruawahia and in selected community organisations around the district and also contains information on books available in neighbouring libraries.
The books address a range of topics including stress, depression and relationships and have all been labelled on the spine with ‘Turn the Page’ to help customers easily locate them on the shelves.
The Council’s Customer Support General Manager Sue Duignan says the initiative, which is modelled on the successful concept established by Puke Ariki, Like Minds Taranaki, and the Midlands Mental Health Network in Taranaki in 2011, encourages people to seek help and raises awareness of the resources available at the libraries.
“Discrimination and stigma are often barriers to recovery for people with mental illness, and an aim of this project is to show people that it’s okay to find help when they need it.”
The libraries have also put together an additional selection of books related to mental health which are available for free to the public and a library membership is not required to obtain these.
Numerous electronic databases, including a health and wellness site which contains articles on mental health, can also be accessed from the Council’s website: