Speeding down isolated rural roads, sliding round blind corners and fish tailing in the gravel- it all sounds like good stuff but its the type of driving Waikato Police say is best left to the professionals.
Waikato Road policing Manager, Inspector Leo Tooman, said that with day two and three of the Rally of New Zealand taking place in the North Waikato and Raglan areas over Saturday and Sunday busier than usual traffic volumes can be expected on isolated country roads.
“We’ll have the well advertised road closures on sections of roads where the race will take place but we’ll also have the various logistical trains backing up the racers not to mention spectators travelling between the various stages.
“What we’re asking is for people to be conscious of this, allow plenty of time to get to their destination and be mindful that there’s a big difference between a class II rural road and the southern motorway.”
A special attraction this year was the special stages of the rally being held at the Hampton Downs race circuit.
“We’ll see some fast times by the drivers but what we want people to realise is that these guys are professionals in specially enhanced cars, we don’t want to see spectators in their off the shelf Subarus trying to replicate their favourite racer’s times out there on public roads.”
“One of the biggest risks we’ve identified is groups of spectators watching the lead racers go through their paces who then speed off to the next stage taking risks on roads that by their condition demand a driver’s respect, what we’d like is for these drivers to button off a bit.”
Mr Tooman said the reason racers could travel at such speeds through the stages was because they didn’t have to factor in traffic coming the other way, something spectators will be encountering.
Safety information is readily available on route maps, websites and on the circuit and Mr Tooman said some basics safety tips would hopefully ensure a great weekend for all concerned.
“Stick to approved spectator areas, don’t walk on roads used for special stages, don’t bring pets to the event, listen for the whistle or horn indicating a car approaching at speed and at all times follow the marshal’s instructions, that way everyone will have a safe and enjoyable weekend.
Media Release: NZ Police Thursday, 6 May, 2010
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