Top 10 Raglan news stories for 2010

Checking the log for the Raglan Website provides stats on the most viewed news stories of 2010.   Its no surprise that Raglan Wharf Fire in April 2010 topped the list.

Here’s our complete top ten list:

  1. Major fire on Raglan Wharf
  2. Harley Owner’s Group Coming to Raglan
  3. Karioi Classic
  4. Twenty Raglan Artist’s Exhibition
  5. Wellington Ukulele Orchestra
  6. Raglan’s Antonio Te Maioho Stars in New Series
  7. Dance Festival in Raglan
  8. Raglan Classic Car & Rock ‘n Roll
  9. Raglan’s Jody Hartstone and Whisper win again
  10. 2010 Rally NZ

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