Media Release: Kiwis Against Seabed Mining, 14.10.14
Help us defend our major seabed mining victory!
Now we have to defend that groundbreaking win in the High Court: the company has launched an appeal.
So far, Trans Tasman Resources has spent a massive $60 million on its application. We spent a tiny fraction of this sum. It goes to show that even if you’re a big corporation, if you’re wrong, you’re wrong. The EPA itself noted in its decision that we got no support from the Government – they recognised all the work we did under such difficult circumstances.
We couldn’t have done it without your support: from your donations: it was a real team effort.
We are determined to defend this victory. We’ve done it once, and we can do it again. The appeal process will take a while, and the High Court costs a lot, so we’re calling on you to help us again: Click here to help us defend our seabed mining victory.
Anything you can do to support us would be fantastic.
Want to donate on a regular basis? How about this idea: a regular, automatic payment on a monthly basis. Easier on your pocket and, for us, it shows up as regular income that we can rely on going into the future.
Bank and Branch: Westpac, Raglan, New Zealand
Account name: KASM
Account no: 03 1563 0053952 00
Thank you for your continued support – we couldn’t do this without you.
Nga mihi
Phil McCabe