Media Release: Kiwis Against Seabed Mining, 14.10.14
Help us defend our major seabed mining victory!
We were all pretty excited when the EPA agreed with 4800 of us that the impacts of mining our lovely black sand off the coast of South Taranaki was too environmentally risky to go ahead. That’s what we said all along – and we were right!
Now we have to defend that groundbreaking win in the High Court: the company has launched an appeal.
So far, Trans Tasman Resources has spent a massive $60 million on its application. We spent a tiny fraction of this sum. It goes to show that even if you’re a big corporation, if you’re wrong, you’re wrong. The EPA itself noted in its decision that we got no support from the Government – they recognised all the work we did under such difficult circumstances.
We couldn’t have done it without your support: from your donations: it was a real team effort.
We are determined to defend this victory. We’ve done it once, and we can do it again. The appeal process will take a while, and the High Court costs a lot, so we’re calling on you to help us again: Click here to help us defend our seabed mining victory.
Anything you can do to support us would be fantastic.
Want to donate on a regular basis? How about this idea: a regular, automatic payment on a monthly basis. Easier on your pocket and, for us, it shows up as regular income that we can rely on going into the future.
Bank and Branch: Westpac, Raglan, New Zealand
Account name: KASM
Account no: 03 1563 0053952 00
Thank you for your continued support – we couldn’t do this without you.
Nga mihi
Phil McCabe