Temporary solution to the Sunday bus problem.

The Raglan Chamber of Commerce called an urgent meeting on Monday to discuss the impact the withdrawal of the Sunday bus service is having on the community. The aim was to establish interim and long-term measures to remedy the current situation.

The issues are that people who want to visit Hamilton on a Sunday are not able to do so unless they have private vehicle use, children at boarding schools in Hamilton cannot get back to school using public transport and visitors to Raglan cannot leave on a Sunday, often preventing them from visiting at all.

The meeting attendees were unanimous that a seven day per week service is essential for the Raglan community and business owners. In this day and age it would seem to be a pretty basic necessity, regardless of the numbers using the service. The cohesion and willingness of the community and business groups represented enabled the following resolution.

Raglan Scenic Tours have proposed a service using their 6 seater shuttle bus from Raglan to Hamilton return. The service will leave twice each Sunday at 10.00 am and 4.00 pm from Raglan iSite, going via the Library and on to Hamilton, returning from Hamilton Transport Centre at 11.15 am and 5.15 pm.

In order to provide this service, Raglan Scenic Tours need a minimum of six passengers per trip each way. With no one really knowing how viable the service will be for a private operator, some local businesses, community groups and individuals have agreed to act as guarantors and make up any shortfall if there are less that six passengers per trip.

The cost of the bus fare has been set at $10 (cash) per person. There are no concession fares for children or gold card holders.

Bookings (recommended) can be via the Raglan iSite ph: 825-0556 or after hours direct to Raglan Scenic Tours 021 0274 7014 / 021 1341 686.

It is hoped that the public Sunday bus service will be reestablished during the school holidays and Cnr Clint Baddeley has agreed to work with the current WRC review process. The outcome required is a year round, 7 day per week service, to and from Raglan.

It was great that in the space of the 2 hour meeting, the community and business representatives were able to share ideas and develop a workable solution. We encourage locals to take advantage of the opportunity to use the shuttle to ensure an ongoing service.

Stephanie Philp – Chair, Raglan Chamber of Commerce.

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