On Thursday 27th Decemeber, we rescanned WiFi services operating in Bow St, Raglan and can confirm that Telecom’s Free WiFi service is now available in the area around the phone box near the Raglan Town Hall. From a vehicle parked outside Raglan Community House we picked up a strong signal with a good bandwidth as shown on the scan graph above.
There are two Raglan telecom WiFi zones now live (Bow St near the Town Hall and Wainui Rd, Raglan West near the Raglan West store). See this page on how to use the Telecom free WiFi.
The availability of these additional free zones should take the pressure off the ratepayer funded WiFi service in and around the Raglan Library. This one zone has often caused a parking jam in Wi Neera St with camper vans parking there to get the free signal. Also numbers of visitors sitting on the steps with Smartphones sometimes restrict access to the library as they skpe with their loved ones.