Projects large and small, including the te Uku Wind Farm, feature among finalists in the New Zealand Contractors’ Federation/Hirepool Construction Awards 2011.
The awards have four categories, recognising excellence in civil construction projects carried out by New Zealand companies at home or abroad, with budgets ranging from up to $1m to over $50m.
Federation executive officer Malcolm Abernethy said that finalists throughout all the categories demonstrated the very high standards of work being carried out by contractors across the country.
Projects in the $10m to $50m category include the $21m Gisborne Waste Water Treatment Plant, by HEB Construction, $25m Ruby Bay Bypass in Tasman, by Downer NZ, Major Projects Southern and the $35.3m civil works scheme at the Te Uku Wind Farm near Raglan, a joint venture by Hick Bros Civil and Spartan Construction.
Mr Abernethy said that judges now faced a tough job selecting winners from a very high standard of finalist projects.
“Although the industry continues to be hard hit by the recession, the range of very high quality finalists shows that New Zealand contractors are maintaining their extremely high standards and commitment to finding innovative and economical solutions for their clients,” he said.
Winners will be announced on August 5 at the New Zealand Contractors’ Federation and Association of Consulting Engineers New Zealand’s annual conference in Rotorua.
NZCF/Hirepool Construction Award 2011 finalists.
Category 1: Projects having a value up to $1m
Birkdale Shaft Construction – Brian Perry Civil, Auckland.
Mt Roskill Cone Cycle & Walkway – Ross Reid Contractors, Auckland.
WWTP Pond 1/SH1 Embankment – Ross Reid Contractors, Auckland
Awamatu Stream Stormwater Upgrade Stage 1 – Construction Contracts Ltd, Wellington
Wakefield Park Sewer Realignment & Upgrade – Construction Contracts Ltd, Wellington
Happy Valley Road to Owhiro Bay Sewer Renewal – Construction Contracts Ltd, Wellington
Central Park Flats Upgrade – Brooklyn Block – Multi Civil Contractors Limited, Wellington.
Government House Siteworks – – Multi Civil Contractors Limited, Wellington.
Memorial Park Civil Works – Goodman Contractors Ltd, Wellington.
Category 2: Projects having a value between $1m and $10m
Birkdale Project – Fletcher Construction Company t/a Pipeworks, Auckland
Punganui Bridge Replacement – Brian Perry Civil, Auckland.
FY11 Concrete Slab Replacement (Auckland International Airport) – Downer, Auckland.
Pipeline Linking Ava & Barber Grove Pumpstation – E Carson & Sons Ltd, Wellington
Upgrade of Okara Pumpstation – United Civil Construction Ltd
Havelock North Sewer Reconstruction – Infracon, Hawke’s Bay.
Tui Mine Remedial Work, Stage 1 – McConnell Dowell Constructors Ltd, Waikato.
Forsyth Barr Stadium – Pitch Construction – Delta Utility Services, Dunedin.
Category 3: Projects having a value between $10m and $50m
Gisborne Waste Water Treatment Plant – HEB Construction Ltd, Auckland.
Te Uku Civil Works – Hick Bros Civil/Spartan Construction Joint Venture, Hamilton.
SH60 Ruby Bay Bypass (Te Mamaku Drive), Tasman – Downer NZ, Major Projects – Southern
Category 4: Projects having a value exceeding $50m
Manukau Harbour Crossing – The Manukau Harbour Crossing (MHX) Alliance Rosedale Waste Water Treatment Plant & Ocean Outfall – McConnell Dowell Constructors Ltd, Auckland.
The New Lynn Rail Trench – Fletcher Construction Company Ltd, Auckland