The tar pools that appeared after the botched reseal of Bow St have reappeared. On Monday 3rd, Council staff anticipated the decision made on Tuesday 4th WDC’s Roading Committee and began a programme of, “Do minimum – continue a programme of chip seal for $5,000”. This was followed by another lot of chip seal on Friday 7th. By Sunday 9th this had broken down again and users of Bow St were again faced with a sticky mess of tar pools and loose stones as shown in our photo. Council engineers had given advice that the road would “settle” eventually. This has not happened yet and with more sunny days ahead it seems unlikely to happen ever.
At Tuesday’s meeting of the Raglan Community Board, a representative from the Raglan Chamber of Commerce pleaded with board members and staff for something better to be done saying that Bow St was Raglan’s waka and needed to be cared for properly. Community Board members agreed and passed a motion requesting the Council to proceed with laying Polymer modified Mix 10 ROC in Bow St at the earliest opportunity. Members requested that this work be undertaken at night to minimise disruption. The Roading Committee had previously put aside $150,000 enough to undertake the reseal in this type of asphalt.
Councillor Baddeley said he would be talking with staff for a strategy on doing the work soon.
The mess that is apparent now can only get worse as the heat of mid summer causes even more tar to melt. As drivers need to twist and turn wheels to get in and out of parks stones will be dislodged in those areas and ‘puddles’ of wet tar will be carried around on shoes, on to the footpaths, into shops, onto car mats, into homes, etc. Has N.Z. got any other busy main street that has been sealed in such an unsuitable and disastrous manner? We now avoid parking in Bow St. like the plague.
Yes, after Thursday’s hot weather, today there is a giant tar puddle in the turning area opposite the Raglan Club. Good news is on the way. I’ve heard that Council has decided to act on the Community Board’s resolution and lay a proper asphalt surface in Bow St.
A large warning sign on Main Road tells us that this will probably happen at night from the 16th To 18th Dec.
So hopefully only one more week of the tar pools to put up with!