Survey on branding Whaingaroa-Raglan as ‘Plastic Shopping Bag Free”

Kia ora koutou,
The Raglan Chamber of Commerce, Whaingaroa Environment Centre and Xtreme Zero Waste are teaming up to embark on a project to brand Whaingaroa-Raglan as ‘Plastic Shopping Bag Free”, with a view of strengthening our reputation in the NZ market as an environmentally conscious town to live in and visit.
Our goal is to have 80% of the businesses in Whaingaroa-Raglan Plastic Bag Free by 2017, and 100% of the businesses Plastic Bag Free by 2019.
This will take time, energy and commitment from everyone in our community. We recognise the role our local businesses have in achieving a Plastic Bag Free Raglan, and we are keen to hear from you.
We have created this survey to give us a better idea of how many businesses in Whaingaroa-Raglan are using plastic shopping carry bags so that we can begin to research viable solutions. The survey will only take 2-3 minutes to fill out.. Everyone who completes the survey will go in the draw to win a $25 Gift Voucher for The Raglan Social Club! The winner will be chosen after the survey closes on 4 March.
We are asking everyone to respond by 4 March 2016.
We value your feedback and appreciate your time answering these questions for us.
Please click here to begin:
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions..

0 thoughts on “Survey on branding Whaingaroa-Raglan as ‘Plastic Shopping Bag Free””

  1. Will the people of Raglan be asked? Raglan does not need to use plastic bags. If people demand them, a charge should be made and the proceeds go to a local cause or charity

    1. Yes Jacqui, this survey was just meant for the business owners, as they are the ones directly affected. We’ll have a survey for the community in the coming month. 🙂 Cheers.

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