Surreal Perspectives

I have always envied birds. The way they can go anywhere at anytime, see things that we can’t see. A view that no road can get to, or that our legs can carry us to. On the flip side I am terrified of heights, and when I see anyone in any type of non enclosed flying contraption, my feet feel funny.

This is where Rob Whittal comes in. Ex-world paragliding and hang gliding champion, world record holder, Raglan West Resident and general all round good guy. Take a look from his perspective, of this beautiful place we call home. I’m guessing his feet don’t get that funny feeling. Want a little tip? Full screen this bad boy and turn up your speakers.

[vimeo 41533276 w=720 h=405]

Surreal Perspectives from White Cloud Productions NZ on Vimeo.

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