The second year of the relaunched Raglan Spring Flower opened its doors to the community yesterday afternoon (Saturday 29 August 2015) from 1pm, followed by the prize giving at 3pm. A surge in the number of entries ensured that the hall was full of colourful spring flowers. The show is organised by the Raglan Horticultural Society and was held in the Union Church Hall, 3 Stewart Street.
The show categories covered flowers judged on colour, creativity, balance and quality; floral art judged on colour, creativity, balance and quality; vegetables judged on quality, colour and firmness; children’s entries judged on imagination. There was also a people’s choice section judged by exhibition visitors.
Some winners we spotted were Annette Townsend with a first for Single Stem Daffodil, Lis Pownell with a second for Single Stem Daffodil and Barbara O’Dougherty with a first for a vase of daffodils. Aileen Davy’s magnificent red onion secured her a second in the onion or leek section. A lovely vase of tulips secured a first for Betty Power.
Posted by Raglan 23 – the Raglan Website on Saturday, 29 August 2015