Strong support for Regional Infrastructure Technical Specifications

Waikato Shared Services news

Having a single set of technical specifications for local bodies and developers installing infrastructure in Raglan and across the Waikato has moved a step closer after feedback showed strong support for the concept.

The Regional Infrastructure Technical Specifications (RITS) set out how to design and construct transportation, water supply, wastewater, storm water and landscaping infrastructure.  Prior to developing RITS, each council had its own Infrastructure Technical Specifications, which resulted in different standards having to be met across the Waikato region.  The purpose of RITS is to provide a single regional guide and specifications for building public infrastructure.

The RITS project was initiated by the Waikato Mayoral Forum and the documents have been prepared by Waikato Local Authority Shared Services (WLASS), an organisation which provides a platform for Councils to work together to reduce costs and provide more efficient and effective services to ratepayers and customers.

Feedback on the draft RITS closed in October 2017 and all of the 18 responses were overwhelmingly in favour of having a single set of specifications across the Waikato to provide consistency for developers, consultants and Councils.

“The compliance process will be made easier, meaning lower costs and time saved”, said Waikato Local Authority Shared Services Chairperson Gavin Ion

“Putting the Regional Infrastructure Technical Specifications into effect is going to benefit everyone involved in the development of new infrastructure,” Waikato Local Authority Shared Services Chairperson Gavin Ion says.

“By knowing the specifications required across the Waikato, the compliance process will be made easier, meaning lower costs and time saved.  Councils will be better able to manage the quality of the materials used in building key infrastructure, which will mean better outcomes in areas such as storm water management.”

Eight Councils across the Waikato have been involved in developing the specifications, and it is now up to each of them to ensure that the RITS are linked to their District Plans.  The specifications themselves will be managed and kept up-to-date by WLASS.

“The RITS project is a great example of what the WLASS was set up to do; enabling Waikato local authorities to work together to save ratepayers money and deliver better services for our communities,” Mr Ion says.

The Councils taking part in the RITS initiative are:

  • Hamilton City Council
  • Hauraki District Council
  • Matamata-Piako District Council
  • Otorohanga District Council
  • South Waikato District Council
  • Waikato District Council
  • Waipa District Council
  • Waitomo District Council.

Other stakeholders who made a vital contribution in the development of the RITS included the Waikato Raupatu River Trust, Waikato Regional Council and the Property Council.

For more information about Waikato Local Authority Shared Services and to see the final version of the Regional Infrastructure Technical Specifications, visit:



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