Shiny new water fountain outside library

The shiny new water fountain outside Raglan Library

Back in July we reported that the library revamp project had left the water fountain outside Raglan Library in the middle of a bark garden. As well as that the water fountain was badly rusted and in danger of falling over.

The rusty old water fountain in the bark garden before the water fountain was removed.

In mid September the old water fountain was removed and replaced by an orange plastic barrier. Soon after a new water fountain appeared next to the seat in a place where it can be used. In the bark garden there is now one of those ugly blue water meter boxes to make sure the Council can charge itself for its own water.

Great to see the new water fountain and a useful public amenity restored.  

4 thoughts on “Shiny new water fountain outside library”

  1. Maybe the water meter is preparation for when a separate company is charging the council for what had been its own water? If there’s not going to be a replacement cycle stand, maybe the rail in front of the seating area can be signposted for cycle parking?

  2. Thanks for the efforts that council made to improve the library, seating, gardens etc…would be great if we had more people acknowledging the good works that have been achieved rather than the negatives…

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