Seven sentences starting with Bobo ten Broek

Photo: Pieter ten Broek


I’ve lived in Raglan for just over twenty years
By day I make coffee and roast the coffee for Raglan Roast
By any other time I Dj on Tractor Fm and the odd gig here and there, but to be honest I’m a real home body and really like hanging out with my furry little family
My favorite Raglan memory is a hard one to pick! I really like it when the community bands together to support each other in hard times….but also when the community has fun together……Trinity Roots at the Soundsplash is right up there:)
If I could tell a younger me some thing it would be self love and good health are going to serve you better in the long run than money and a fast lifestyle.
I love living in Raglan because it’s paradise! Beautiful place with everything you would ever want to do…..creative and amazing people everywhere….music art beach veges from the garden … can’t beat Raglan:)
At the moment I am excited about….Life….I feel very lucky to live the life I do where I do!
Peace to all

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