Sep 22: Marine oil spill exercise

Waikato Regional Council news

WRC says don’t freak out if you’re in Raglan tomorrow (Thursday 22 September) and notice an emergency response in operation between the foot bridge and the boat ramp at Te Kopua Domain. It’s just Waikato Regional Council staff taking part in a marine oil spill response exercise.

WRC oil spill practice in 2019 at Raglan Wharf launching ramp – Image supplied

Staff will be working on the scene to a fictitious scenario, covering every aspect of an operational marine oil spill response. This training is essential to bring new staff up to speed with how to respond, and to refresh the skills of our experienced oil spill response staff. WRC holds these exercises regularly, so they know they’re prepared if and when a real spill happens. The photos here, from the last WRC exercise in Raglan at the wharf in 2019, are what you might expect to see.

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