Sep 15: Raglan Community Board meeting by Zoom

This summary of the RCB agenda was prepared by John Lawson, Secretary of Whāingaroa Environmental Defence Inc. Reg. no.1912150, 51 Cliff St, Raglan 07 825 7866 email

The next Board meeting is Wed 15 September at 1.30pm on Zoom. The public forum should be part of the formal meeting, giving the usual opportunity to discuss issues. I think the link to join for the public forum is this Zoom.

You can watch the meeting on YouTube: If you would like to view the meeting you can do that on YouTube, by searching ‘Waikato District Council’ after 1:30pm and the Live Screening will come up.

The Community Board members are:- Chris RaynerDennis AmooreGabrielle ParsonLisa ThomsonSatnam Bains and Tony Oosten.
Wednesday’s agenda still has missing information. It includes –

  1. Harbour Board Leases – public excluded session about Wharf Structural Repairs, Pontoons and walkways.
  2. Bob McLeod “our fellow community board member. I have worked with Bob for the last 5 years and we will really miss him. He brought a good sense of humour, practicality and knowledge to our work.” [LEA(s.117(1) If a vacancy occurs in the office of a member of a local authority or in the office of an elected member of a local board or community board more than 12 months before the next triennial general election [8/10/2022], the vacancy must be filled by an election under this Act. s.120 (b) the election must be held not later than 89 days after the date on which the electoral officer receives notice of the vacancy]
  3. Coastal Reserves Plan “We would like to draw your attention to the following decisions: . . Proposed erosion mitigation at Papahua Recreation Domain . .. . Environmental guardianship and protection of native habitat at all reserves” [despite being 3rdhighest WDC carbon emitter!] – “aiming for October meeting” for works proposed, criteria to trigger engagement and co-governance. Plan was decided by 3 people from outside Raglan. Reserve bookings listed (p87-88).
  4. Representation Review 239 submissions including RCB (18min into video) and me (26min into video). 12 from Raglan, 103 Onewhero-Te Akau, 40 Huntly, 22 Tuakau, 16 Whangamarino, 15 Tamahere, 13 Eureka. Decision next week – can be appealed.
  5. Soundsplash – “We are currently processing the application for the 2022 Sound Splash event and anticipate that we will be able to present to the Community Board the recommendations we will be putting forward at its October meeting.”
  6. Local bus – Tender in August and timetabling by second week of May is now, “Have had first workshop with Community Board sub-group. Awaiting confirmation of funding and agreed to meet again on 10 September when funding would be known.” [no  meeting and funding probably wasn’t in Tue’s announcement, which gave little more to public transport; the $100,000 pa from WDC would fund 2 or 3 return trips a day between Greenslade Rd, the Wharf and Whale Bay]
  7. Closure of path across the airfield – “WDC are working closely with the Community Board to provide community feedback to the consultant”. Draft report recommends narrowing and fencing off the airfield, as “People on runway – The current situation produces a high risk to people and pilots.” However, most of 12 incidents listed involved only aircraft; only one reported, “Take-off aborted due to a woman running across the runway, 100 metres in front of the motor glider. Glider swerved left, narrowly missing her.”
  8. Sewage -overflowing manhole near Lorenzen Bay due to blockage by a washing machine hose on 13 July. Creeks were tested and were free from spillage. Aug meeting on youTube – still investigating options.
  9. Places for People – “74 responses to the survey and from those 78% like the road marking, 70% like the Parklets and 69% were in support . . .. . We will check in with you again late November and will then evaluate”. No mention of launderette mobility space, Orca crossing, or Waka Kotahi funding.
  10. Papahua Footpath – “Design Team to look at field alignment and sizing to see if the current fields can be arranged in manner that will also allow for the path to remain in the desired location.
  11. Gilmour St “Final tasks are underway with construction of the road pavement and beautification of berm areas”.
  12. Greenslade Road Neighbourhood Park and footpath project – scheduled in next year no detail
  13. Coastal erosion and reburying Vodafone cable at Ngārunui Beach no detail
  14. Manu Bay Breakwater – 3rd workshop still being organised.
  15. Raglan Naturally – verbal report.
  16. Unsealed roading meeting held no detail
  17. Freedom Camping met “with WDC staff and RCB member” no detail
  18. Civil Defence Emergency Management meeting on 23 Sep. no detail
  19. Waikato District Crime Prevention Technology Trust 2019 (CCTV) “Trust can apply for funding from the discretionary fund”.
  20. Discretionary fund has $20,380. Applications for the next round close on Friday 1 October.

These council items are not on RCB’s agenda –

Finance 6/9

Climate change – Climate Action Coordinator. This role has recently been advertised, with several promising applications having been received by the closing date of 26 August. several conventional petrol vehicles were replaced with hybrids as part of a three-year transition for all non-utility vehicles. Options for utility vehicles are being actively explored. Hamilton has just got rid of 71 of its SUVs. Holiday Park installed an electric hot water heat pump 12 months ago which has reduced its reliance on LPG. Further reductions could be made by setting up a 2nd low carbon hot water plant at the other end of the Park. Wainui Reserve One steer produces 1.82 TCO2e and one sheep produces 0.37 TCO2e pa . . .. grazing cattle are a management tool to maintain the amenity . . . Plan enables for alternative land uses to be investigated

Future Proof change from medium to high growth – Raglan 5,834 to 6,621 people, 2,589 to 2,657 houses by 2060

Waters governance 10/8

water loss: KPI for 20/21 (19/20) Year was 28% (29%) Actual result 24% (33%)

WWTP – Watercare to monitor and sample to understand the levels of non-compliance – still to be completed. Non-compliances for cBOD5, TSS, and FC during 2019-20

Jul 2020-Jun 2021 – 2.62 dry weather sewage overflows per 1000 sewage connections primarily due to Fibre strikes

Wallis St Pump Station – Bayonne Construction struck a PVC rising main. The pump station was able to be shut down remotely via SCADA to stop the flow while repairs were completed

SDI feasibility studies on parts of Wainui Reserve, the Golf Club, and private land (Ngāti Māhanga). These technical studies will provide certainty of conceptual performance of SDI in these areas, allowing WDC to enter property discussion needed to progress such options. An application could then be lodged after any favourable outcomes on SDI land use or purchase have been achieved.

WTP Upgrade – Detailed design and procurement is progressing. Installation is expected in September 2021. A HAZOP and SID workshop was held in June, and a contractor has been engaged for ECI

Regional connections 6/8

41.8% of Raglan buses now run between 1 min early and 5 mins late (up 0.6% since 2019).

Other issues missing from the agenda are Main Rd splitter islands, Park Dr/Long St crossing, Rose St parking, Climate Response Plan, Cliff St, Wainui Rd wooden footbridge, parking & Government Rd/ Bayview stop signs, Energy Project, WRAP, stormwater, Town Hall Warrant of Fitness, Calvert Rd parking, Te Uku Recycling, Whāingaroa Catchment Management Plan, dog issues, Hills Rd water tower, glyphosate, volunteer worker safety, Puriri Park, weedbusters, Joyce Petchell and Puriri Park toilets to be wrapped with environment messaging. Should WED be taking up these or other issues?
Ngā mihi


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