Fine weather has seen the start of the reseal in Raglan’s Bow St. Contractor Downer, engaged by Waikato District Council, are undertaking the work after repair work carried out a few weeks ago by Strada.
The resealing starts on Bow Street from the Westpac bank to the intersection with Cliff Street (outside the Orca Restaurant), Cliff Street will also be resealed. The cost of resealing Bow Street is $26,400 and Cliff Street $14,800.
Bow St is closed to all through traffic today (30.10.12)- follow the detour signs. No parking in Bow St- we spotted pelenty of spaces in Cliff St.
There were lots of cars parked on the new seal in Bow St when I went by. I see Robert St, Hills Rd and Cornwall Rd have also been resealed. Those resealing costs for Bow and Cliff account for the roading (46% of general rate) rates paid for by the Cliff St properties this year, but we’ve been paying similar rates for the last decade with no work done. For Raglan to get its fair share of the spending from the roading rate, surely WDC should have no problem funding a better bus service instead of leaving it to the Chamber of Commerce to subsidise an inadequate (6 seats when the average was 11 passengers) Sunday and public holiday service.