Native Forest Restoration Trust news
Whaingaroa Harbour Care’s planting team have completed planting “islands” in the retired thick pasture grass. This thick grass inhibits natural regeneration. With proven success in numerous plantings in this Ecological District Whaingaroa Harbour Care’s methodology is not to spot spray or release plantings. A mix of the colonising species manuka, kanuka, flax, mahoe, Coprosma, wineberry and lacebark is planted and will rapidly shade out grass and provide habitat in which other seeds can germinate. Excessively wet weather right through summer has delayed completion of track work that enables their quad access to other planting areas but it’s hoped tracks will be finished before planting has to halt for the spring.
Riparian margin community planting
Increasing numbers of helpers are assisting with biannual planting a narrow riparian margin at the main entrance on Old Mountain Road. The area is thick with buttercup and no bird dispersed seed can take hold there. Once that is shaded out and with the abundant seed source less than 20m away, it should be off!
Culvert and tracks
To enable safe pedestrian crossing of Mangakirikiri Stream at the main entrance at times of high water, work on installation of a concrete culvert bridge is underway. Walking tracks will begin here and interpretive signs will convey interesting information along the planned routes.
Sharen Graham, Southern Reserves Manager, NFRT