Robert fired up about Kindy Art Auction


Raglan Burning by Robert Currie

Raglan artist, Robert Currie has submitted a painting called, Raglan Burning for sale at the Raglan Kindegarden Fundraiser this Friday at the Town Hall.  It is included with others in a silent auction on Friday evening at about 7-30 just after the children’s performance.  The painting with others can be viewed on Friday during the day at the Town Hall.

25% of the sale price of all of the paintings paintings will be donated to the Kindegarden on successful sales and some will have reserves on them.

Come in and have a look if in Raglan or if you are interested in Raglan Burning. His painting can be viewed at his Te Uku Studio until Friday morning.

Robert said, “I consider this is my best painting i have completed during my 9 years back at the easel and look forward to it finding a new home soon.”

Title….’RAGLAN BURNING’……Lest we forget…..Raglan Wharf 13th April .
Medium….Acrylic on board.

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