Residents concerned about ‘widening’ of Cliff St

Photo in northern area of Cliff St shows the 'shoulder' being cut back apparently ready to be resealed.  The pale circles show where WDC installed then removed bollards in this area just a few years ago.
Photo in northern area of Cliff St shows the ‘shoulder’ being cut back apparently ready to be resealed. The pale circles show where WDC installed then removed bollards in this area just a few years ago.

Residents of Cliff St, Raglan have expressed concern about road works being undertaken that appear to be increasing the width of the harbourside lane.  Waikato District Council contractors Strada have cut into the bank on the harbour side of the road  and removed grass and top soil in other places.

Resident John Lawson said, “Cliff St is being widened (the excavation reaches the remaining bollards). Is this supported by the Board, or just a decision of Strada? A footpath would be good, but making it wider will just increase traffic speeds.”

Raglan Community Board Chair Rodger Gallagher said, “RCB policy as per our LTP submission on Cliff St is for Cliff St to be made one way to reduce traffic volumes and preserve the coastal lane appearance. While I realise that Council did not accept this request, it remains the Board’s policy. The Board was advised that Cliff St would be repaired and resealed this week. RCB has not  been advised by WDC that the road will be widened.”

Topsoil and grass removed next to bollards in southern part of Cliff St

A Council officer said that the works that are being undertaken on Cliff Street are part of the pre-reseal repairs. The works are required to improve the drainage of the road before the reseal take place. While it looks like the road is being widening this is not the case, Strada have removed “high shoulder” and created swale drains to get the water off the road pavement. The shoulder work will be top soiled and grassed to allow residents to continue mowing their road verge. It also return the road to it original width.

Good news to hear that the road verge will be reinstated as a grassed area!

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