Repairs to Raglan Wharf struture on time and below budget

The Raglan Wharf is now as strong as it was when it was built in 1916. Repairs to the underlying wharf structure were completed last week on time and below the original budget.

Waikato District Council water and facilities general manager Richard Bax says the work has exceeded the scope of the original contract, as the extent of the corrosion to the wharf structure was worse than anticipated.

“The contractor, HEB Structures have completed the work to a very high standard and performed well given the change in scope and some very challenging tidal conditions.

“The final cost for the wharf repairs is $635,096. This is significantly lower than the engineer’s estimate of $827,500 even though the volume of work increased by around 14m3,” he said.

Now the wharf repairs are completed the pressure to complete the wharf building is on. The architects are now completing the internal floor plan.

“Developing the final drawings for the internal plan of the building is a detailed process and it has taken some time. The architects will have the final drawings completed by the start of October,” said Mr Bax.

To fast track the process, Waikato District Council will send out a request for ‘Expressions of Interest’ to builders next week. This means the work can be costed by a number of builders as soon as the plans are completed.

Media Release: 11 August 2011, Waikato District Council

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