Record entries in Raglan Raft Race

2010 Recycled Raft Race underway

This year a record nineteen rafts were entered in the annual Recycled Raft Race held in Raglan as part of the Community and Environment Day (Maui Dolphin Day).  Competitors sprinted down the sand to their rafts then paddled under the Kopua footbridge, over to buoy by the Museum and then up the Opotoru to the top buoy and then back to the finish.  And of course on the way back the teams had to battle the incoming tide.   As usual clear leaders emerged early on while others were still making their way up the Opotoru.

Off to a good start with this raft making it under Kopua footbridge while over a 100 people watch from above
Lone standing paddler rafter finishes under the bridge well ahead of the next raft

__________________________ Click here for video clip of raft race: 100306RaftRaceMVI_2159_NEW

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