Rebuild Raglan Wharf meeting on 15 May 2010

Barry Ashby, a local resident and member of the Raglan Ratepayers’ Association has called a public meeting to be held in the Raglan Town Hall on 15 May at 10am for people to have their say on rebuilding the Raglan Wharf buildings.   The following notes are provided by Barry as thought starters for the meeting:

We are all sad at the destruction of the old Wharf building. Many of you will have memorable  recollections of joyful ,happy and fun events associated with the wharf. There are too, many sad & grief  related happenings, there is no doubt many a tear falls from those who remember the sad & tragic.

However, the wharf was for many years the living  working hub of Raglan with most if not all of the trade of commodities & necessary industrial, farming and household good  passing across it’s  decks.

Many of you have  lovely stories  to tell  of many events & happenings there. You are asked to think about them and where possible to have them recorded so that our future Raglan folk can appreciate  what some of it was like way back,way back. So put this record where it can be retrieved so someone later can cobble together a rounded record of all that the fire sadly took from us. When arrangements are made advice will be given as to where such material may be deposited.

It may even be possible for an art exhibition to be staged relating to the wharf?

Poetry writings  and sucient anecdotal writings  could also be part of some form of evening gig with  original music stuff presented. Possibly a Wharf recording evening annually marking the new era when a new start is made to whatever is developed.


Many of you will be wanting to know what form any replacement may take?

Much if not most of this will relate to businesses which have signed contracts with WDC & their interests must be acknowledged & respected.

All of you will have some thoughts as to how the area should develop & what type the businesses should be. Council may call for your ideas and this may be before any  real analysis of what is possible /probable by way of construction. Insurance  & other money sources will have a significant effect on what happens. So lets hear some of your thinking, put notes on paper and such will be conveyed to Council. Let all ideas be passed in and later evaluate what come out of it. All of us must however be conscious the “MY IDEA”  which is always the best  MAY not be what is chosen.

Some thoughts that may help: Size, Form of structure, Materials Height Number of businesses. Range of business. Should all or  most businesses have a maritime twist thrust aspect? Should businesses encourage  spending several hours or should they be mainly stop shop & go? Parking?

Signed:  Barry Ashby

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