THE SHACK – Tuesday 19th November at 7.30am

RCoCMetOcean Solutions is a science and technology company providing oceanographic and weather services, mainly to marine users. We provide marine weather related information to help people make decisions about doing things in and around the ocean. MetOcean was started about 8 years ago by three oceanographers; two of us are from Raglan, where we have our largest office and and a third founder is based in New Plymouth. We currently employ 19 people of which 11 are based in the Raglan office. We provide services to a large proportion of New Zealand’s maritime industries and export our services globally. We are a diverse group from 7 different nationalities, mainly science and IT professionals. Our company culture is all about providing a free and stimulating work place where staff are engaged by their work. Company policy is also to encourage surf sessions whenever the waves are good, and ou r people make the most of Raglan and the lifestyle it has to offer.

Originally from Canada and the UK, I came to Raglan 9 years ago, and it is now home with my wife Malene and our two boys. I have had lifelong passion for the ocean and Raglan provides the perfect place to both work and play. Although most of my work happens in front of a computer these days, kitesurfing and coastguard make sure I still get wet most days.

Clint Baddeley, WDC Raglan Ward Councillor will give us his take on “Local Government in the Future” and an update on Community related issues.

Come along on Tuesday 19th November- wonderful breakfast and a great opportunity to meet new people.

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