Waikato District Council news
A group of Raglan Area School students got a tour of their town’s wastewater and water network on 19th November.

Waikato District Councillor Lisa Thomson organised with Council staff for a group of Year 9 students to see a range of Council’s wastewater and water infrastructure.
Students saw the Wi Neera Street pump station, were taken on a tour of the wastewater treatment ponds and then stopped off at the Springs Water Treatment Plant to see where our tap water comes from.
“Getting an important message across about our infrastructure and the importance of being mindful of what we put down the loo is critical for this age. The students were very receptive to what staff showed them and I hope they now have a better understanding of what happens to our waste after it gets flushed down the loo,” Cr Thomson says.
While visiting the Wi Neera Street pump station Water Reticulation Serviceman Roger Smith told the students about non-flushable items like underwear, nappies and rags that often block the Raglan pumps.
The students couldn’t quite understand why people would flush undies – perfectly good ones at that.
After the visit it was quite clear the message of only pee, poo and paper down the loo resonated with the students.
“The hope is that the message continues to spread and the number of blockages decreases so don’t forget to do your bit,” Cr Thomson says.