One of the most controversial aspects of the proposed Raglan Town Plan (Structure Plan) is the new road to be built as part of the Waikato District Council’s new town centre for Raglan. The avenue runs from Wallis Street through the two homes at 22 Wallis Street and the home at 21 Cliff Street to Cliff Street. Purchasing these homes for the proposed avenue would probably cost about $2 million. The route choosen by the WDC for the new road is surely the most difficult one in Wallis Street being on top of a small hill. The plans in the Raglan Structure Plan show the new avenue as a break between the new town area and the residential area.
The word on the street is that most people see what Council has come up with is a bit weird. One person said to me that he couldn’t actually believe that his rates money had been used to pay somebody to write this report.
At some time in the future, Raglan will need a large area for a new bigger supermarket. The plan makes no provision for a new supermarket site. The proposed new town area will be devoted to small retail businesses. But when the supermarket does eventually move to a new site, this will leave a huge area in Bow Street as well as the street frontage in front of the Raglan Club for retail development. I believe that the structure plan does not address real needs but instead proposes costly and unnecessary developments.
Copies of the Raglan Structure Plan are available at the the WDC website (831KB at http://waidc.govt.nz/Have-your-say/Public-consultation/Variation-15–Raglan-Structure-Plan.aspx) and from the Raglan Council office.
Closing date for submissions is Thursday, 29 July. Click here to download the form from Council’s web site or pick a copy up from the Raglan Council office.