Raglan’s main car warrant of fitness service station stopped issuing warrants when it closed on 31st July. With Bow St Motors out of action, that only left John Hart’s Raglan Service Station at 3 Bow St, available to issue warrants. However Harty is off on a well earned extended leave. The result for Raglanders is no service station in Raglan available to issue warrants for their cars. The result is that Raglanders have been forced to head over the divvy for a warrant and this will have to continue for a couple of months.
A few years ago, Bow Street Motors purchased the 3 Bankart St property (site of the new Four Square) and planned to relocate there. That project did not proceed when they did not receive planning permission from the Waikato District Council. Planning reviews by that Council over a number of years have failed to zone any land in Raglan for light industrial use.