Raglan Taxi off the road

The convenient service provided by Dave Brown’s Raglan Taxi service has ended.  After a medical check-up, Dave rapidly ended up in the bypass surgery unit at Waikato Hospital.  He is now recuperating after a coronary bypass operation.

A few weeks ago, Dave told the Raglan Website that he was intending to close the taxi service later this year.  He wanted to spend more time on recreational activities rather than working.   Another factor in this decision is the new camera regulation that will require a $1,000 camera to be fitted to all taxis in the main centres.  Although the Raglan taxi would be exempt from the regulations, it appears that unless this type of camera was installed, the Raglan taxi would not be able to make trips to Hamilton or Hamilton Airport.

But anyway, Dave’s surgery has caused an earlier end to the Raglan taxi.  We wish Dave well in his recovery.

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